Changelog: Dashboards v2.0 - June 28th, 2023

June 28, 2023

Dashboards v2.0

Dashboard are a key feature in MetricsWave, that's why we keep improving it based on your feedback and requests.

Today, we are launching, Dashboards v2.0.

What's new:

  • Multiple Dashboards: You can have as many as you want. Each with its own widgets and configuration. You can have, for example, one private dashboard and another public one, with different widgets and information.
  • Different Periods: Our period list was limited, but now we have added more periods based on your feedback. In the next version, you will be able to choose custom periods and also move back and forth in time.
  • Compare with Previous Period: This is fundamental; from now on you will be able to compare any period with the previous one by simply activating the toggle in the period dropdown.

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