
Here you can find all the updates and articles about MetricsWave.

New number widget!

October 11, 2024

Number Widget - MetricsWave

Display data in a direct, clear and concise way with the new Numbers widget. Amounts, visits, clics on a button, and everything else.

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Money Income events just got released!

October 7, 2024

Money Income Chart

Understand how you are monetizing your project, how much money your subscriptions generate, optimize the process, and increase your revenue with new money income events.

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Changelog: New date selector!

September 23, 2024

Custom date selector

You were waiting for this, and here it is! Now you can select the exact date period you want, and of course, compare it with the previous period.

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Changelog: Remove a site or leave a team

April 7, 2024

Delete an existing Site from Site Settings - MetricsWave

Since we added the team functionality 6 months ago there were two things missing. Delete a site, and also leave a site by yourself. They are now here to stay.

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How we improve loading speed from 20-30 seconds to instant

April 5, 2024

+3M events per months - MetricsWave

This year, MetricsWave is growing a lot. The number of events has 3x in the last months, and we still run in an small server. Even that the service still have 99% uptime, our dashboards performance decreased and the experience was not good enough, until today.

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Changelog: New trigger view, with more details and filters

March 15, 2024

Trigger Stats

Sometimes you want to see one trigger details and stats without adding it to the dashboard. This update is based on your feedback.

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Changelog: Multiple sites, teams, and more - September 24th, 2023

September 24, 2023

Multiple Sites on MetricsWave

You were asking for it. You wanted to use MetricsWave on multiple pages without constantly changing accounts and even share these sites with your team. The moment has come!

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Integrate MetricsWave with Google Tag Manager

September 21, 2023

Integrate MetricsWave with Google Tag Manager

Some of you use Google Tag Manager to manage tracking codes for your sites and, from now on, for MetricsWave as well.

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How to measure the registration and onboarding process with a Funnel?

August 26, 2023

Registration Funnel - MetricsWave

The registration and onboarding process are essential in most applications. It can be the difference between a happy and active user and a user who stop using our app after a few hours. Measure it, and improve it with a custom Funnel.

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Changelog: New Funnels! 📣 - August 15th, 2023

August 15, 2023

Funnels on MetricsWave

Statistics are not just bar graphs and numbers. The funnels help you see in a more intuitive way how your users behave, for example, during a purchase process.

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Choose the plan
that fits your needs

Start for free, and upgrade your account at any moment.

All plans include:

  • 100% data ownership
  • Forever data retention
  • No cookie banner required
  • GDPR law compliance
  • Unlimited support
  • Cancel at any time
  • All features available