Changelog: Multiple sites, teams, and more - September 24th, 2023

September 24, 2023

Multiple Sites on MetricsWave

You were asking for it. You wanted to use MetricsWave on multiple pages without constantly changing accounts and even share these sites with your team. The moment has come!

From now on, you can create as many sites/teams as you want.

Each site will have its own Dashboards, Events, licenses, etc. You can share each of these sites with as many users and people as you want. Really, there is no limit.

Your team together, with the same data and Dashboards

Your Team on MetricsWave

It's very easy, really, on the settings screen you will now find a new section from which you can manage your site.

There you can invite or remove team members and, therefore, give or remove access to different users.

MetricsWave for Agencies

If you are an agency and want to provide an extra service to your clients, MetricsWave is what you are looking for.

You can install, on your clients' pages, a statistics system that respects privacy and without cookies.

In addition to monetising this service, you will be providing a very interesting extra service for your clients.

If you are interested, just mail us at

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that fits your needs

Start for free, and upgrade your account at any moment.

All plans include:

  • 100% data ownership
  • Forever data retention
  • No cookie banner required
  • GDPR law compliance
  • Unlimited support
  • Cancel at any time
  • All features available